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Dr. Vũ Thành

Dr. Vũ Thành

Maxillofacial Specialist

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Can I Extract Teeth While on My Menstrual Period?

It is generally not recommended to undergo a tooth extraction during menstruation. During this time, a woman’s body becomes particularly sensitive due to hormonal changes. This period often involves feelings of fatigue, water retention, and increased vulnerability of the mucous membranes, which can become swollen and more prone to bleeding. The hormonal changes aim to reduce blood clotting to help shed the uterine lining more quickly.
Additionally, women often experience mood swings, irritability, and discomfort during their period, which could make the tooth extraction process more painful and uncomfortable. Furthermore, the risk of increased bleeding exists during menstruation. It may be more difficult to control bleeding after the extraction, leading to a higher chance of complications.
What Risks Are Associated with Tooth Extraction During Menstruation?
Dry Socket (Alveolar Osteitis) Dry socket occurs when the blood clot that forms after the extraction either dissolves prematurely or fails to form properly. This leads to exposed bone and nerves, causing severe pain and delaying the healing process. Hormonal changes during menstruation, such as increased estrogen levels, have been linked to an increased risk of developing dry sockets.
Increased Bleeding Risk The hormonal fluctuations during menstruation, particularly increased estrogen, can also lead to swollen and inflamed gums, which may further complicate the extraction process. The combination of these factors can cause more significant and harder-to-control bleeding, which may hinder the healing process and make it take longer to recover. This is especially concerning since women already experience blood loss during their period, leaving them more fatigued and in a weakened state than usual.
When Is the Best Time to Have a Tooth Extraction?
The ideal time for tooth extraction is when your body is in its normal, healthy state—free from the conditions mentioned above. Additionally, it is best to schedule the procedure in the morning or afternoon, when your energy levels are at their peak. After the extraction, your body will also recover more quickly, and you will have time to monitor the healing process. If there are any unexpected issues, you can still contact the dentist in the evening for a follow-up.
Key Points to Keep in Mind:
Be open and honest with the dentist about your current health condition, including whether you are menstruating or experiencing any other health issues. This will help the dentist make the most accurate diagnosis and provide the best treatment options.
In conclusion, while it is possible to have a tooth extraction during menstruation, it is not generally recommended due to the increased sensitivity, risk of complications, and discomfort. It is better to schedule the procedure when you are in optimal health to ensure a smooth and quick recovery.
We hope this information helps you make an informed decision about your dental care!


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