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Wisdom Tooth Extraction

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Wisdom Tooth Extraction - Nha Khoa Home

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the last molars on each side of the jaw and typically emerge when we are between 16 and 25 years old. As the final permanent teeth appear, teeth often don’t have enough space in your mouth. At this stage, the jawbone has limited growth in size, the bone becomes denser, and the overlying mucous membranes and soft tissues are thicker and firmer. These factors make wisdom teeth more prone to growing misaligned or becoming impacted.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction - Nha Khoa Home

Types of Wisdom Tooth Eruption

  • Horizontal Eruption
  • Angled Eruption
  • Vertical Eruption
  • Impacted

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure to remove one or more wisdom teeth — the four permanent adult teeth located at the back corners of your mouth on the top and bottom. Wisdom teeth typically emerge through the gums in the late teenage years or early twenties. By this time, the other 28 adult teeth are usually in place, so there may not always be enough space in the mouth for wisdom teeth to grow properly.
When a wisdom tooth does not have enough room to develop (an impacted wisdom tooth), it can often lead to pain, infection, or other dental issues, making extraction necessary. Wisdom tooth extraction should be performed by a professional dentist or an oral surgeon.

Should You Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom tooth removal is NECESSARY in the following cases:

  • Persistent tooth pain that impacts daily life.
  • The presence of a dental cyst.
  • Tumours in the jaw.
  • Damage to surrounding teeth.
  • Dental or gum infections.
  • Tooth decay.

Wisdom tooth extraction is a minor dental procedure essential for protecting both aesthetic and overall oral health. While individual cases may vary, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified dental specialist for accurate assessment and treatment. In particularly complex cases, our dentist may recommend monitoring the tooth’s development, maintaining proper oral hygiene, and staying in touch to track any changes.

Are Wisdom Teeth Dangerous?

According to Dr. Nguyen Anh Ngoc, Clinical Director at Home Dental Clinic, wisdom teeth are a potential cause of various dental issues:

  • Causing Pain

When wisdom teeth first emerge, you may experience swollen gums and varying degrees of pain depending on whether the tooth is impacted or misaligned. In more severe cases, it may even cause mild fever, affecting daily activities and communication.

  • Causing Oral Health Issues

Positioned at the very back of the jaw, wisdom teeth are difficult to clean properly, making it easy for food particles and bacteria to accumulate. Over time, this can lead to tooth decay or gum infections around the wisdom tooth, causing swelling, pain, and bad breath. If left untreated, gum inflammation may recur with increasing severity.
Additionally, impacted wisdom teeth can become trapped under the gum tissue by surrounding teeth or the jawbone, leading to swelling and pain.

When Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed?

Since wisdom teeth extracted before the age of 20 have less-developed roots and are less likely to cause complications, the American Dental Association recommends that individuals between the ages of 16 and 19 have their wisdom teeth evaluated to determine if extraction is necessary.

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Inflamed Gums and Gingivitis Caused by Wisdom Teeth

When wisdom teeth grow misaligned, they can trap food, leading to red, swollen gums and inflammation around the tooth. Over time, this can form a pus pocket, making the jaw stiff and causing difficulty in opening the mouth. If left untreated, the infection can destroy the surrounding bone and surrounding teeth, and may even lead to sepsis.

Tooth Decay Caused by Wisdom Teeth

Misaligned wisdom teeth that lean against adjacent teeth trap food and bacteria, making it difficult to clean. This can lead to infections, tooth decay in adjacent teeth, and even decay of the wisdom tooth itself. If decay is not treated promptly, it can progress to pulpitis or periapical abscesses, which are serious conditions.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth Causing Cyst Formation

When a wisdom tooth grows impacted within the jawbone, it can lead to infections, damage nearby teeth, and develop silently within the bone. If untreated, the jawbone may gradually deteriorate, causing tooth loss and increasing the risk of jaw fractures.

Causing Crowding and Misalignment of Surrounding Teeth

Wisdom teeth often grow misaligned along the dental arch, pushing adjacent teeth forward, which results in crowding and misalignment. A misaligned wisdom tooth can also disrupt the bite by shifting nearby teeth out of alignment.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Procedure at Home Dental

Advanced Technology with Piezotome – Painless Ultrasonic Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The advent of Piezotome technology for painless tooth extraction is seen as a breakthrough in modern dentistry, offering a gentle experience for patients. This device plays a particularly important role in the wisdom tooth extraction process. To learn more about the advantages and costs of Piezotome-assisted wisdom tooth extraction, please refer to the video below.

Piezotome Ultrasonic Tooth Extraction Machine: The Best and Most Advanced Dental Technology
The Piezotome ultrasonic extraction machine is currently the best and most advanced dental technology. This device uses ultrasonic waves to open and cut gum tissue, and can even lift the sinus membrane and shape the bone without impacting soft tissues.
This technique employs a thin, lightweight drill tip, ranging in size from 0.2 to 0.5mm. During wisdom tooth extraction, the drill tip vibrates gently with ultrasonic waves at varying frequencies and amplitudes, gradually separating the soft tissue surrounding the tooth root. Finally, an integrated irrigation system activates to cool the drill tip, preventing any damage to the tooth and surrounding soft tissue.

The Most Trusted Place for Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Hanoi

If your wisdom teeth are causing issues as outlined above, you should visit our reputable dental center for timely examination and treatment to avoid serious complications.

Home Dental is proud to have a team of seasoned specialists who have graduated top of their class from Germany and RHM TW in Vietnam. They have successfully handled thousands of cases, from simple to complex wisdom tooth extractions, ensuring a painless, complication-free experience in a sterile environment following Ministry of Health regulations.

Why Choose Home Dental for Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

  • Individual treatment chairs to ensure privacy and sterile cleanliness for each patient.
  • Absolute sterilisation with a separate sterilisation room that follows a 3-step process meeting standards set by the University Hospital of Hamburg, introduced in Hanoi for the first time, along with the Melag sterilisation machine, which meets the highest EU sterilisation standards.
  • A highly skilled team of doctors and nurses trusted by thousands of patients.
  • Successfully handling thousands of both simple and complex cases.
  • Advanced technology ensures minimal swelling, pain, and no complications.

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